lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013


Since the appearance of the first computers, the human always dreamed, with the day when these computers can learn, think, reason like a human been, or better than human intelligence. In one way or another we think that machine can overcome the human, Alan Turing said “Instead of trying to produce a programme to simulate the adult mind, why not rather try to produce one which simulates the child's? If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain.”
However ever had existed anyone skeptic who doesn’t believe this is possible, for example Daniel Crevier, he said “In activities other than purely logical thought, our minds function much faster than any computer yet devised”.

 Honda has tried of approximate to this dream, introducing on 21 October 2000, the robot called  ASIMO (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility), however Honda has been working with similar robot’s since the eighties. One of the most striking features of the ASIMO is the similitude with the human. It is equipped with joints which resemble the human body.

The main features of the ASIMO are: a total weight of 48 kilograms, an height of 130 centimeters, also it can reach speeds up 9 kilometer per hour when it run. It is integrated with a special battery that lasts on average 3 hours.

ASIMO has the ability to recognize moving objects, postures, gestures, its surrounding environment, sounds and faces, which enables interact with humans. This robot placed its legs  on the ground like a human, relying on its heel and its toe, also it has the ability to walk over uneven terrain with rocks and deformities, it has hands allowing it to hold a cup and fill it with water without spilling a drop.

Although its name has some similarity with the creator of the laws of robotics Ivan Asimov, Honda says that the name wasn’t based on Asimov to name their robot, but it was a coincidence
Among the activities in which ASIMO has participated may be mentioned:
·         In 2002 when it rang the bell to open trade sessions for the New York Stock Exchange
·         In 2008, ASIMO conducted the Detroit Symphony Orchestra in a performance of "The Impossible Dream"

ASIMO can be one of the firsts stone in the robotics world; someday these robots will be able to meet many of the tasks currently humans done.

  1. Is possible for a robot to think like a human?
  2. When is will this possible?
  3. Do you think that a robot can get to replace to a human being?

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

The houses of the future

Currently the world is having a big change, we need to change the way we live because the world is having problem for deal with our habits. The human race is searching how to be more enviromental friend for help the world and preserve the flora and fauna. Based in this concern, some people are looking for a new way of using the resources being more efficient in the energy use and technology. Some companies had understood this situacion and it's doing actions for help; in this article we are going to talk about How some companies are changing the way of build houses and how could be the house of the future.

The concept of "Living Tomorrow: The house of the future"

Living Tomorrow was created in 1991 by architects Frank Belien and Peter Bongers with the objetive to do easier the human life and help to preserve the enviroment. This house has been built thinking in how incorporate the technology to change the way the people live and how to do the homework house different , everything simplifying.
The principal and more attractive features of this house are:
  • The "cocoon" bed which doubles as a den with TV and computer to the bathroom with its "smart" mirros that remind residents to clean their teeth and take their vitamins

  • In the kitchen we have a very usefull whiteboard because you can create a shopping list and if you have a internet connection you will can automatically order your list online from your favorite supermarket. With this whiteboard you also can monitor bills, messages and water consumption.  The kitchen was designed by avant-garde architect Zaha Hadid
  • You could warm up the shower before you stepped out of bed
  • You can know the weather state,your weight, informacion medica and program your favorite music with the computer help
  • The house can be networked so that everything from the bedside lamps to the underfloor heating is controlled centrally

Ben Rousseau is a famous  designer specialises in creating bespoke interiors, he says that last years numbers of the customers they want a hi-tech elements  in their homes has grown: "Because so much media is now digital, people are able to easily disguise technology and everything has become more simple and streamlined. One thing that people absolutely love is streaming.". He says that Products are becoming more advanced but they're easier to use and analogue just doesn't cut it any more.
Also, Peter Bongers, the co-founder and CEO of Living Tomorrow, he says that currently the people are more worried for the environment and the effects of climate change and want to do actions to change this situacion; the CEO thinks Living Tomorrow is a good step for begin the change. Bongers told CNN that the house of Living Tomorrow consumes one-half that a normal house.
Despite the high-tech elements and how easy is to use everything inside, some people tell Fox News they aren't so sure about how useful the house can be.
The first version of this house was shown in Brussels;  the house is hidden away on a side street and it is visited for more the 1.5 million persons. The cost is about $30 million just for the demo model

In the following link you can find a demonstration of Living Tomorrow


  1. Do you like this house? Would you pay for buy it? Why or why not?
  2. What other things do you think the house have to have for be the perfect house for you?
  3. Do you think this house can be really useful and environmentally friendly? Why or why not?


It's a novel device, used as a watch, which will change the lives of many people, decreasing travel and transportation costs. In addition it will be able to be present in a meeting from anywhere around the world, only using your watch and an internet connection
It allows group videocalls (HD video transmission, Full HD, 3D), ideal for business meetings or academic purposes.
Using a hologram, the same may be seen from a same device, phone, tablet or computer.

Your video can be seen reflected at the top of the device, or it can be displayed in a wall or flat surface, like a table.

You can...

See you relatives and talk to them, even if they live in a far city and you haven't seen them in a long time. Creating a family meeting using this device, achieving to get closer even if you are separated physically.

The executive meetings of your company will be able to be executed at any given moment and anywhere, without incurring in very big expenses 

     Some characteristics: 
1. Easy to use software
2. Lightweight
3. Made of carbon fiber
4. easy to carry
5. Long life battery
6. It has Bluetooth
7. USB and HDMI connection
8. Internet browsing using Wi-Fi and 3g
9. Compatible with different technologies such as Android, iOS, Windows Phone and software like Skype and others.
10. 15-megapixel Camera
11. It has an internal memory of 32 gigabytes.

      Other functionalities:

      Synchronization with the cloud, allowing access to all your files wherever and whenever

Allows the creation, edition and deletion of text documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and more.

It's a new device, used as a watch, and the most important characteristics of this is the use of a hologram. This hologram can be seen reflected at the top of the device, or it can be displayed in a wall or flat surface, like a table.

This device will change the lives of many people, decreasing travel and transportation costs, because, the people will be able to be present in a meeting from anywhere around the world, only using your watch and an internet connection. It allows group video calls (HD video transmission, Full HD), ideal for business meetings or academic purposes.

When you are talking with other person with this device, the other person, can see de video call, in a similar device, tablet or computer.You can see you relatives and talk to them, even if they live in a far city.

Creating a family meeting using this device, achieving to get close. And you can make a video call at any given moment and anywhere, without incurring in very big expenses.

Some Questions:

Do you think that this device can improve the life of the people? or is just luxury?

When do you think this device will be available?

Do you like this watch? Would you pay for buy it?